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6 Solving Reel Movers to printing house Jim
Two Solving Reel Movers including semi-automatic lift tables have been ordered by Bauer Druck to their printing house to be built in Poland.
The Movers are designed to handle reels weighing up to 10 tonnes.
No. Á¦¸ñ ±Û¾´ÀÌ ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ Á¶È¸¼ö
13 Transformer handling systems Jim 2008-07-01 1457
12 Solving at the FinnTec exhibition Jim 2008-07-01 1436
11 Heavy-duty trucks for reel handling Jim 2008-07-01 1505
10 Cable reel handling Jim 2008-07-01 1523
9 Automated pallet handling Jim 2008-07-01 1531
8 Solving at CeMat, Germany Jim 2008-07-01 1492
7 Solving Movers for handling wheel loaders Jim 2008-07-01 1453
6 Solving Reel Movers to printing house Jim 2008-07-01 1460
5 Solving AGVs for harvesters Jim 2008-07-01 1519
4 Solving AGV moves paper reels at Stora Enso Jim 2008-07-01 1470
1 2 3 4

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